Apart Bar

by Apart



*Millions of offers*Every week you can discover new offers here.Whether free drink or a 2for1 action.Everything is in it.Youve come to the right place if you want to save.But: only with the right code word you really get your discount ;)*Celebrate together*Under "Events" you can plan your parties weeks in advance.The app creates the appointment for you and then reminds you of it all by itself.*Route to the bar*Are you a visitor or new to Leipzig and dont know your way around so well?No problem: With this app it is childs play to find your favorite bar.The route planner shows you exactly where to go.*Scene*You dont just want to see our bar, but want to look around everywhere?Then stop by here.Besides us, there are many other interesting places waiting to make you happy.*Shop*Here your heart beats faster.Do you want to treat yourself or a gift?Then you are right here.From time to time we have tempting offers that you can really score with.Just drop by regularly.*Check in*Here you can check in if necessary.Your data will neither be processed nor stored publicly.